Reiss School Motivation Profile®

The RSMP assesses 16 needs relevant to academic achievement, mindset, interpersonal relationships, and career interests. The results enable school psychologists to identify motivational reasons for poor grades and inappropriate behavior not related to a disability – and to plan effective interventions tailored to the student’s individual needs. Teachers use the data to implement successful strategies to promote a positive mindset, while school counselors can offer students thoughtful advice about career choices based not only on the students’ skills but also on the students’ intrinsic motives.

Ages: The RSMP is normed for students ages 12 – 25.

Length: This self-report questionnaire consists of 128 items and takes about 15 – 20 minutes to complete.

Qualified Users: Licensed school professionals such as school psychologists, school counselors, and school social workers.

Price: 375 SR / assessment